
Nicole's Supplement Regiment:

15 mins after Waking Up: 1 Scoop Whey Protein fermented with Probiotic (because the body needs fast acting protein first thing, makes protein more bioavailable)
Consume 1 tbsp of Raw Coconut Oil (insulin stabilizer, helps destroy abdominal fat)

With Breakfast:
Women's Multi Vitamin
Perfect Ratio Omega's
Garlic Immunity
Vitamin D 10,000 IU

Pre Workout:
Amino Acids: Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine
Max Fit

During Workout:
Max Recovery
Vega Sport
Essential Amino Energy

Post Workout:
Vitamin C
Whey Protein
Siberian Ginseng

With Lunch:
Probiotic (usually in the form of yogurt or kombucha)
Greens Super Food

With Dinner:

Before Bed:

Dr Dale's Typical Supplement Regimen:

Within 15 mins after Waking Up: 1 Scoop Perfect Protein fermented with Probiotic/Vit. D3

Raw Coconut Oil by itself or used to cook breakfast with.  Coconut oil is a medium-chain triglyceride.  Does not need bile for absorption and a perfect fuel for the body!  Also has a thermogenic affect by increase the metabolism.

With Breakfast:
Perfect Ratio Omega's: has a 1/2 ratio of omega 3's to omega 6's.  Many people view supplementing with a fish oil (pure omega-3's) to be best.  This can be detrimental to ones health as the body need healthy fats in the right ratio. For someone like me especially, supplementing with pure omega-3's would tip the scales out of balance.

Raw Garlic: acts as a natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial while promoting healthy gut flora.

Vitamin D3 Plus 1 billion probiotics 5,000-10,000 IU: critical for immune function. Note that if i spend at least 20min outside between the hours of 11-2 with 50% of my skin exposed to the sun, WITHOUT sunscreen, I will only supplement with 5,000 IU.

Pre Workout:
Max Fit: Specific ingredients that increase energy and lower cortisol(stress hormones)

During Workout or after:
Max Recovery: Contains protiolitic enzymes that lower inflammation and improve tissue repair.  Also restores electrolytes with dried coconut water.

Post Workout:
Perfect Protein: completely organic, grass fed whey protein, sweetened with stevia.  

Throughout day:
Perfect Food Raw Greens powder: Garden of Life