Monday, January 30, 2012

Jan 30,2012

I am starting a journey.
Currently I am 15 weeks out from the Tri Fitness World Challenge in St Petersburg, FL.
I will be blogging my progress.

For the first time...
I will be competing for me.
Not for my parents, not for my brother, not for my husband.
Not for my coach....or my friends...
Not for acceptance, sponsorship, or recognition, or fame.
Not for medals, or trophies, or money.
I am not competing to prove anyone prove that I can do it...or to show myself worthy.
I am not competing to show how awesome I am or how hard I have worked.

I can want to do well. I can want to succeed. I can want to win.

For the first time in my life....
I am in a really good place.
God has assured me through His word that:
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am worthy.
I have already run the race...and won the prize.
He wants me to have the desires of my heart.
He knows me...and what I want...and what I need better than I do.
The Lord has taught me patience, and perserverence.
He has given me hope and lifted me up. He has humbled me and broken my pride.
I have known what it means to be lost...and to be found.
I have been beaten, and broken, and bound...

Free to be Me.
I hope that you will join me on this journey...
it will be one that I will not soon forget!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Final Feelings...

Ok .... so I felt great while going Vegan. Energy levels were high. My skin didnt clear up as much as I thought it would have. I was really regular in the regular! lol. I pretty much stayed bloated though. Belly was fluffy and lost a significant amount of ab defination. Pants fit a little tighter. My performance was unaffected. Felt great at every workout. But for cutting weight this is def not the way to go....I def know I could get lean while going Vegan but it would be VERY difficult. Requiring a lot of work and would take months of trial and error to figure out the regiment. I am going to stick with the Vegan supplements/protein and high veggies but will be adding lean clean meats/eggs/nuts/honey back into my diet. I will be cutting back on my fats and my fruits signifcantly over the next few weeks.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 7-High Energy

Still feeling great. I have been pretty aggressive in my WOD's and still have a ton of energy through out the day. However; I have not been losing any weight or inches. If my goal were to lean out I would find this to be significantly more challenging. Would need to up my endurance and cardio training quite a bit. My guess is I would need to add in an additional 45m-1hr in order to see fat loss. I havent had any temptations to quit or give up. Feel so good and I am focused and determined to see this through. Posting a few more pics of food that I have been eating. Made ice cream this past week with Macro Greens, 1 banana, full fat coconut milk, vanilla bean, and 1 tbsp xylitol. Was pretty amazing. Also I have been using apple cider vinegar, coconut aminos and vinegar quite a bit for flavoring things up. I am making a lentil Ethiopia dish tomorrow. Pretty excited about it. I have been experimenting with Kaniwa and my Sea Kelp seasoning quite a bit the past fews days too.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 Vegan CrossFit

I have to be honest. I feel great. Outside of the terrible dream I had last that I woke up
with scrawny arms. It was terrifying. Seriously though today I feel my best. Ton of energy.
Killed my WOD today then went trail running. Its 230 in afternoon and typically this is my
slouch period of the day...I get up at 430 every morning so around this time I usually want a nap.
But I feel fantastic. I have been taking pictures of my food. Hope to post some and more details
of what I am eating later tonight.

Lovin Trader Joe's btw....awesome organic veggies for half the price of Kroger and Whole Foods.
Pictured here: My favorite coconut water, steamed and sauteed veggies. Eatin a ton of veggies. The protein shown I have 3-4 times/day. Greens twice per day and Reds (not pictured) once a day. The last picture is a pic of a "gift card" I got in the mail today from OCharley's...its in the best place! THE TRASH!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Where's the Bacon?!?!?!

Vegan CrossFitter.
Those are two words you typically DO NOT hear together....
typically someone says they CrossFit and the next question is "Sweet, how long
have you been following Paleo??"
As a CrossFit Coach and Nutritionist I strive to be a well balanced leader as well as an athlete.
Therefore;I wanted to put this to test.
Only one way to do that...trial and error by being my own guinea pig.So far I have been vegan for 3 days. It has not impacted my performance or my muscle mass thus far.
I plan to track my progress as well as nutrition on this blog
for the next 2 weeks....then we will see how it goes from there.