Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 30 - Dale
I will post current pics later today.  I personally havent tried real hard to "cut" weight or lean out.  I have mainly just included CF and some higher intensity racing/running events into my weeks.

I got some 72% dark choc. bar with blueberries in it from Kroger last night so I had 3 squares of that. Also had a homemade Kombucha.  Then made some kale chips(olive oil, sea salt, and hot sauce!) these were like buffalo style kale chips! I love hot sauce!

7am - woke- max fit, omegas, 2 eggs w/ sea salt and turmeric and now drinking green tea.

Ok so 2 things I gotta re post!  Its amazing to me that parents will trust the drug companies(who have "deceived" the American gov. for more money than any other industry) and the CDC who is made up of mostly appointed individuals who are also on the pay role of drug companies and then will do things like this!  Are you kidding me!  This is why I find it funny that people find me crazy when I question the CDC and drug companies but yet they trust them with their children's health with blind faith?

CDC official accused of child molestation, bestiality

Then if I ever go to a "gym" that allows this, I will ask for a refund and never go back!

I took my cell detox, vit C, Vit. D/PB, more green tea

Lunch and dinner were deer liver and onions again.  had a medium sized turnip raw, couple more squares of dark choc, and blueberries, kombucha, juiced 3 carrots, celery, beet, granny smith, ginger.

Gonna be running the AP 5k tomorrow morning.  gonna try and push the envelope and go for low to sub 18min.  gonna be tuff but we will see how it goes!

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