Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Further explanation of the 5 Essentials (Max Nerve supply and Minimize Toxicity)

Nerve supply is a critical part of health.  Everyone can understand that if you would cut a nerve that went to an organ such as the heart, lungs, etc. that organ would shut down and die.  We all know what happened to "Superman" Christopher Reeves when he fell off his horse.  The compression of his brain stem and spinal cord immediately began to shut down the function of his body.  Well research is now showing more and more that spinal/postural misalignments can cause significant alterations in neurological communication between the brain and organs.  One such study done in the journal Surgical Neurology International, Sept. 10, 2010 found that compression of the brain stem could cause or contribute to diabetes as well as high blood pressure.  In that study they used surgery to remove this compression and were able to resolve diabetes in patients.  The only patients it really didnt help we obese.  So thats were the other essentials like nutrition and exercise obviously play a part.  So as a Maximize Living chiropractor I treat patients through a structural/postural corrective procedure and technique that can remove pressure from the nerve and spinal cord.  The patients bodies can then heal through better communication between the brain and organs.  In the simplest terms, if we dont maintain the health of our spine our overall health will deteriorate as well.  Look at women with the "hump" on there back and bottom of their neck.  They have a significantly greater risk of totally mortality from heart disease.  that are of the spine feeds nerves to the heart.  Also men would shrink 3cm or more from forward head posture and spinal decay have a 64% increase in totally mortality, death from all causes.  The 5 Essentials encompasses what science is now showing contributes to all causes of sickness and disease.

Then Toxicity is also a known contributing factor in the development of many cancers, neurological conditions, and many other disease.  Take fluoride for instance.  Kinda amazing but Proctor and Gamble, the makers of Crest tooth paste have actually submitted research showing that fluoride "even at the lowest doses can cause cancer." Also toxicity from heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, lead, etc. need to be addressed before they cause the body serious harm.  There are many other household cleaning products and personal care products that contain very toxic ingredients.  Even our processed and GMO food supply is toxic.  So this essential is taught during classes to my patients to educate them on how to eliminate the sources of toxicity, ie toothpaste... Funny I wonder how many of you thought for a second that I didnt brush my teeth ;)  I do but I use natural ones without chemicals.  Also we teach people how to detox the body with diet and then we also take the Daily Detox which is a combination of the "Cell Detox" and "Body Detox" that helps the body increase glutathione, the bodies strongest detoxifier and antioxidant.  This supplement actually has the 2 part system and can safely enhance the bodies ability to eliminate harmful toxins.

6am- Perfect protein w/ water, omegas
645- ginger tea at Lasaters Tea in Sango
10- Vit. D/Probio, Vit. C, B-complex, Cell Detox
12- free range chicken, Mixed greens salad with sprouts, onions, hot red bell pep, applecider vinegar, olive oil, turmeric, cayenne, tomato. Also plantain fried in coconut oil!

Dinner was taco salad - guacamole, mixed greens, onions, salsa, green bell pep, deer burger, all kinds of spices.  Also had kombucha

Only workout I got in today was a 15 min. MaxT3 workout right after evening adjusting hours. 

1 comment:

  1. Doc thanks for these write ups! Loving this info!
