Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 8- Dale
630- 30g Protein in coconut milk and raw goats milk yogurt, omegas
7- ginger tea
1130- max fit, tsp coconut oil, 1/2 kombucha
1- 7 mi run, easy pace
2- max recovery w/ water
230- Same salad as yesterday, curry chicken, rest of kombucha
430- 5000 iu vit D/probiotics, 1 tablet of wobenzyme, 300mg vit C, Vit B, Cell Detox, omegas
5- greens drink
730- roast beef with green beans, large helping of cabbage/onions/jalapeno w/ sea salt and garlic

Workout felt good, feel like Im getting stronger.  Seeing more muscle definition show.

Just an interesting note for everyone reading.  I have been helping out a patient in the office who used to see the VA for his migraines and low back issues. Well he is now about 20 visits into care and for some time has not had a single headache/migraine or back pain.  He had to go to the VA though for a check up.  So at this check up the doc still filled a bottle of migraine medication and told him to take it.  Mind you he told the doc he no longer had the migraines and didnt need the meds.  The doc still had him take the meds with him anyways.  So here is our TAX dollars hard at work.  To me its like the doc is in denial that drugs aren't what this patient needs or wants.  I wish more of our tax dollars went toward things exercise programs, nutrition, supplements, corrective chiropractic, detox and things that actually restore health to our veterans rather than giving out drugs like they are candy!


  1. Dale that type of thinking doesn't line the pockets of the drug companies. You better be careful, you are being monitored now :)

    Good for your patient, I wish there was more awareness that a healthy, clean eating lifestyle can take the place of meds in some cases.

  2. Thanks for the warning James ;) Lol, Sadly soon telling the truth will be "hazardous" to your health.
